Sorry, but the camera breaking effected my ability to rotate my photos. Next we hiked up the side on a dirt trail and found another waterfall further above the first set of falls. This one was about 30+ feet up in the air. Liam followed a few locals
and jumped in right away. This kid was crazy, I liked him! I was contemplating not jumping when a girl looked at me and said, come on, i'm jumping. Totally called me out!
Now I HAD to jump! To be honest, I jumped bigger cliffs before at Gross Reservoir outside Boulder, but that was almost 20 years ago. I barely got to the edge and didn't hesitate and jumped off, losing my composure at the last second and letting my arms float out and smacking them on the surface. But the jump was fun and we did it a few more times. There was also a rope swing that let you off about 10 feet above the highest pool, which was fun. Actually got some footage of Liam jumping off.
I was trying to film with both his and my camera but his battery died so forgive me for the first 15 seconds or so, but htis should give you the idea of how high it was. Lots of fun regardless! When we got back into town I saw my first monkeys. I pulled out my camera but it was all jammed up. Sorry but no monkey pics. Actually no pics for the past five days but I bought a new one in San Jose today and am all ready to go. I actually spent 2 nights in Montezuma after a few nights in Santa Teresa, but no photos of that either. Stayed across the hall from some American college girls who were doing a semester abroad thing. We hung out all weekend and chilled on the beach and saw a few troops of Colobus and Howler monkeys (seperately) but i'll bet you don't believe me without the proof. I'm heading to Nicaragua tomorrow, so hopefully I will see some more up there and get pics and video proof for you. Oh yeah, got the teeth all fixed up today and i'm ready to move on. Sorry for the boring post but I had a few uneventful days. I'm hoping Grenada turns out to be a feakshow so I can amass more strange and unbelievable stories. At least I can hope!